Long basin means. Karna means ear. Kumbhakarna meaning someone who has long ears. Kumbhakarna is the brother of King Ravana. During the works only istina royal bed. He slept for 6 months. One year, just woke up 2 days. Eat as much as 2 mountain, then slept again for 6 months and so on.
Kumbhakarna magic mandraguna has Aji Bekah, a hurricane can release from his mouth.
When King Ravana kidnapped Dewi Shinta (Batara Rama's wife) to be his wife, Kumbhakarna is one who opposed the policy / desire of the king. When he fought in the war was actually not to support the desire of King Ravana but to defend his country in danger because of being attacked by the forces of Rama Batara Anoman led by a white monkey.
He died tragically. Nose and ear bitten off too loose in the paws by King Sugriva, king Kiskenda Cave. Legs and arms broken arrows of Lakshmana. He died in the arms of her brother who fought in the ranks Batara Rama.
Kumbhakarna having twins, Aswandi and Aswandi Water Bearer Water Bearer. The twins are killed defending his country just like his father Kumbhakarna. They fall in the hands of the white monkey Anoman.
Kumbhakarna told in the story "Kumbhakarna Autumn".
Kumbhakarna magic mandraguna has Aji Bekah, a hurricane can release from his mouth.
When King Ravana kidnapped Dewi Shinta (Batara Rama's wife) to be his wife, Kumbhakarna is one who opposed the policy / desire of the king. When he fought in the war was actually not to support the desire of King Ravana but to defend his country in danger because of being attacked by the forces of Rama Batara Anoman led by a white monkey.
He died tragically. Nose and ear bitten off too loose in the paws by King Sugriva, king Kiskenda Cave. Legs and arms broken arrows of Lakshmana. He died in the arms of her brother who fought in the ranks Batara Rama.
Kumbhakarna having twins, Aswandi and Aswandi Water Bearer Water Bearer. The twins are killed defending his country just like his father Kumbhakarna. They fall in the hands of the white monkey Anoman.
Kumbhakarna told in the story "Kumbhakarna Autumn".
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