One factor that encourages the development of literary anthropology is human nature as presented by Ernst Cassirer (1956: 44) humans as animal symbolicum, who both deny the reality of human beings as mere animal rationale. According to Cassirer, who later also used the symbolic interaction sociology regards Meadean (Riter and Douglas, 2004: 272), the system symbol precedes the system thinking, because basically any thoughts expressed through the symbol. In contemporary theory, dominance was thought to be deconstructed, so that the symbol systems, including primitive tribal symbol can be used and interpreted. On the one hand, the symbol is not uniform, characteristic that allows the system can be developed komusikasi unlimited. On the other hand, in accordance with the opinion of E. Bloch (Sastrapratedja, 1982: ix), humans are historical entities, their existence is determined by a number of factors which influence each other, namely: a) man's relationship with the natural surroundings, b) human relations with other human beings, c) man's relationship to the structure and istitusi soaial, d) the relationship with culture at a particular time and space, e) human and reciprocal relationship between theory and practice, and f) human and religious consciousness, or para-religious.
In definitive, the anthropological literature is the study of literature with relevance to human (anthropos). By looking at the anthropology division into two types, namely physical anthropology and cultural anthropology, the anthropological literature is discussed in relation to cultural anthropology, with the works produced by humans, such as: language, religion, myth, history, law, customs, and works of art, especially works of literature. In relation to the three kinds of cultural forms produced by humans, namely: the complex of ideas, complex activities, and complex objects, the anthropological literature on the complex attention memudatkan ideas.
The study of anthropology began to develop early 20th century when the colonial countries, especially England to pay attention to non-European nations in order to know the properties of the nations that colonized. In this anthropological literature has to do with Orientalist studies. On the basis of considerations that a nation's cultural system stored in the language, the literature is clearly a very important source.
In the scope of regional and national, have clearly anthropological literature fostered and developed. Cultural polemics of the 1930s, triggered by thoughts Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, not solely oriented to the West, as addressed by the critics and other cultural. In contrast, cultural polemic intended to find patterns that can be used to develop patterns of national culture, the basics of thinking that can be used to develop models next arts, especially literature.
Based on a literature pengistilahan that it is the imagination. But please note it's in the imagination of the anthropological values 'dipermain-play'. The rest, therein lies the locus of anthropological research literature.
Anthropological literature is the interdisciplinary approach to the most recent in humanities. As far as the author so far anthropological approach to literature is not specific courses. Anthropological literature on the issue first appeared in 1977 (payatos, 1988: xi-xv) through the Congress 'Folklore and Literary Anthropology' which took place in Calcutta. As mentioned before, the birth of the anthropological approach to literary models driven by three major causes, namely: a) both literature and anthropology of language considered as an important object, and b) question the relevance of the two disciplines of human culture, and c) the two disciplines also questioned the oral tradition , especially folklore and myth. The second aspect that often creates problems in distinguishing the boundaries between anthropological research and literature.
Literary sociology, psychology, literature, and anthropology of literature, the humanities social science clearly questioned the man in the community, while providing the intensity of the literature and literary theory. The difference, people question the literary sociology, psychology literature on psychological aspects, anthropological literature on culture ....
Anthropological literature on human attention as a cultural agent, keekrabatan system, system myths, and other habits. Anthropological literature tends to focus on ancient societies, while the sociology of literature tends to focus on modern society, complex society. Literature with the problem of myth, the language with words interesting arkhais analyzed in terms of literary anthropology, and literary works with complex public interest in terms of literary sociology.
Anthropological literature basically been contained in the studies conducted by Levi-Strauss in relation to myth. Levi-Strauss also utilizes the concept of binary opposition, taboo, and incest in order to build a theory of kinship. Various analysis of the anthropological linguistic models based on clearly mark the inseparable relationship between language, literature, and culture.
One aspect of culture that interests students of anthropology literature is the archetypal image and or primordial images. Historically, characteristic archetypes into the analysis of literary works through two channels. First, as already mentioned above, through the analytic psychology of Jung, both through anthropology Frazer. The first tradition traces tracing psychological typology experience appears repeatedly, as a racial unconsciousness, such as myths, dreams, fantasy, and religion, including literary works. The second tradition, trace elemental patterns of myth and ritual that is generally contained in the legends and ceremonies. In the literature, these symptoms appear through the description of narrative patterns, typology figures.
The relevance of criticism arketive primarily serves as the energy of creativity. As the quality of unconsciousness, archetypes image should not be regarded as a static phenomenon. True, the archetypal image of a priori understanding, but its manifestations both as representations of dreams and fantasy, creativity and imagination, as well as folklore and modern fiction, as a whole dienergisasikan by unconsciousness, working in the production process and creativity.
Archetypal image thus involves three distinct disciplines, history, psychology, and anthropology. On the basis of historical structures, with authority to consider race, tribe, family, and social groups other archetypes appear as one of the basic human tendency to maintain the quality survivalnya. On the basis of the psychological structure, taking into account the evolution of biological structures, especially the authority of genetics, archetypes appear as one of the human tendency to keep track of the past, especially instinct. Clear image archetypes also has close links with social anthropology, including Levi-Strauss unconsciousness.
History, psychology, and anthropology each can be accessed in the archetypal image. Analysis of worldviews, especially by Goldmannian vision, for example, requires a total understanding of the three disciplines. In turn, the discipline of sociology, psychology, and anthropology of literature it is possible to challenge the same object, as mulitidisiplin. As mentioned above, literature has the freedom to put almost all aspects of human culture. Is the creator of letters of words, building a world in words. Able to free the substance of letters of words and sentences into the image of words and phrases that continually created a new world as if seen for the first time. Writers have the freedom according to law-law imaginative fictional, confuse the world into sjuzet fibula.
Search for themes, world views, motives and certain concepts in literary works, such as Faust and Arjuna the concept underlying the differences between Western and Eastern people as introduced by Sanusi Pane, suspected to contain aspects of anthropological research literature. Kongret poems Sutardji Calzoum Bachri, short stories magical Danarto also alleged to have anthropological dimensions of the rich. Myth Nyi Roro Kidul when discussed on the basis of public trust in authority is the South Sea anthropological study, whereas when discussed in relation to the social impact of the community will be a sociology of literature. Levels in Balinese language spoken by the anthropological studies in relation to social class as a supporter. Likewise, psychological studies would be if the psychological impact associated with the user. Need to be given a note that talks aimed conducted through the structure literature, anthropology as a work of literary art that is unsure primary, not secondary. Because anthropological literature concerning cultural issues, so other than through characterization, can be detected through a setting, such as the Dayak community setting, Tengger, Irian Jaya, Sundanese and so on. Just as the sociology of literature and psychology literature, anthropology, literature also serves to introduce the nation's wealth of cultural treasures that each culture belongs to others.
The birth of multicultural studies, postruktualisme intensity generally encourage interdisciplinary study. Cultural aspects are not biased at all understood apart from the other symptoms. Literature is an integral part kebudayaa, describing various aspects of life with the imaginative creative ways, and makes sense. As mentioned above, the anthropological literature question the literature in relation to human beings as producers of culture. Human beings are human beings who are intended in the work, especially as a figure-tokoh.dalam this context is the study of literature through the works of multicultural literature because it can be understood with the culture of human diversity. Modern Indonesian literature, since the hall is now clear that the literature has described the existence of various tribes, races religions, and customs. By reading works of literature can be understood culture Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese, and so on. Javanese culture clearly not homogeneous, but display a variety of cultures with the scope of smaller, and so on.
Just as the sociology of literature, analysis related to the anthropological literature is intended that the literary work itself, by making use of anthropological theory and data. A poem that uses arkhais words, like 'The Story Start Tamaela Dien "(Chairil Anwar), not directly associated with moving parts and characteristic specific culture, because this place solely as elements of literature secondary. Arkhais words have become works of literature, as spirit, as anthropology, not literature. Arkhais words discussed in the literature itself that it will be mengevokasi overall form and content of work.
With the intensity of human existence in a particular culture, anthropology, literature has relevance to the local color literature, type of work that has not much interest, especially as creative literature. Anthropological literature, in addition to having links with Postcolonial studies, clearly has relevance to pstruralisme itself, by way of lifting the regional literary treasures. At the time of creation, either directly or indirectly, either as a quality form and content, the author displays certain elements of lived cultural treasures, as the elements of anthropological unconsciousness.
Both Freud and Levi-Strauss (Ino Rossi, 1974: 19) considers that the structure of unconsciousness is more important than consciousness itself. Anthropological literature is practically expected to help introduce the literary khazasanah remote and isolated, which means that indirectly has helped understanding 'Bhineka Tunggal Ika'.
One factor that encourages the development of literary anthropology is human nature as presented by Ernst Cassirer (1956: 44) humans as animal symbolicum, who both deny the reality of human beings as mere animal rationale. According to Cassirer, who later also used the symbolic interaction sociology regards Meadean (Riter and Douglas, 2004: 272), the system symbol precedes the system thinking, because basically any thoughts expressed through the symbol. In contemporary theory, dominance was thought to be deconstructed, so that the symbol systems, including primitive tribal symbol can be used and interpreted. On the one hand, the symbol is not uniform, characteristic that allows the system can be developed komusikasi unlimited. On the other hand, in accordance with the opinion of E. Bloch (Sastrapratedja, 1982: ix), humans are historical entities, their existence is determined by a number of factors which influence each other, namely: a) man's relationship with the natural surroundings, b) human relations with other human beings, c) man's relationship to the structure and istitusi soaial, d) the relationship with culture at a particular time and space, e) human and reciprocal relationship between theory and practice, and f) human and religious consciousness, or para-religious.
In definitive, the anthropological literature is the study of literature with relevance to human (anthropos). By looking at the anthropology division into two types, namely physical anthropology and cultural anthropology, the anthropological literature is discussed in relation to cultural anthropology, with the works produced by humans, such as: language, religion, myth, history, law, customs, and works of art, especially works of literature. In relation to the three kinds of cultural forms produced by humans, namely: the complex of ideas, complex activities, and complex objects, the anthropological literature on the complex attention memudatkan ideas.
The study of anthropology began to develop early 20th century when the colonial countries, especially England to pay attention to non-European nations in order to know the properties of the nations that colonized. In this anthropological literature has to do with Orientalist studies. On the basis of considerations that a nation's cultural system stored in the language, the literature is clearly a very important source.
In the scope of regional and national, have clearly anthropological literature fostered and developed. Cultural polemics of the 1930s, triggered by thoughts Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, not solely oriented to the West, as addressed by the critics and other cultural. In contrast, cultural polemic intended to find patterns that can be used to develop patterns of national culture, the basics of thinking that can be used to develop models next arts, especially literature.
Based on a literature pengistilahan that it is the imagination. But please note it's in the imagination of the anthropological values 'dipermain-play'. The rest, therein lies the locus of anthropological research literature.
Anthropological literature is the interdisciplinary approach to the most recent in humanities. As far as the author so far anthropological approach to literature is not specific courses. Anthropological literature on the issue first appeared in 1977 (payatos, 1988: xi-xv) through the Congress 'Folklore and Literary Anthropology' which took place in Calcutta. As mentioned before, the birth of the anthropological approach to literary models driven by three major causes, namely: a) both literature and anthropology of language considered as an important object, and b) question the relevance of the two disciplines of human culture, and c) the two disciplines also questioned the oral tradition , especially folklore and myth. The second aspect that often creates problems in distinguishing the boundaries between anthropological research and literature.
Literary sociology, psychology, literature, and anthropology of literature, the humanities social science clearly questioned the man in the community, while providing the intensity of the literature and literary theory. The difference, people question the literary sociology, psychology literature on psychological aspects, anthropological literature on culture ....
Anthropological literature on human attention as a cultural agent, keekrabatan system, system myths, and other habits. Anthropological literature tends to focus on ancient societies, while the sociology of literature tends to focus on modern society, complex society. Literature with the problem of myth, the language with words interesting arkhais analyzed in terms of literary anthropology, and literary works with complex public interest in terms of literary sociology.
Anthropological literature basically been contained in the studies conducted by Levi-Strauss in relation to myth. Levi-Strauss also utilizes the concept of binary opposition, taboo, and incest in order to build a theory of kinship. Various analysis of the anthropological linguistic models based on clearly mark the inseparable relationship between language, literature, and culture.
One aspect of culture that interests students of anthropology literature is the archetypal image and or primordial images. Historically, characteristic archetypes into the analysis of literary works through two channels. First, as already mentioned above, through the analytic psychology of Jung, both through anthropology Frazer. The first tradition traces tracing psychological typology experience appears repeatedly, as a racial unconsciousness, such as myths, dreams, fantasy, and religion, including literary works. The second tradition, trace elemental patterns of myth and ritual that is generally contained in the legends and ceremonies. In the literature, these symptoms appear through the description of narrative patterns, typology figures.
The relevance of criticism arketive primarily serves as the energy of creativity. As the quality of unconsciousness, archetypes image should not be regarded as a static phenomenon. True, the archetypal image of a priori understanding, but its manifestations both as representations of dreams and fantasy, creativity and imagination, as well as folklore and modern fiction, as a whole dienergisasikan by unconsciousness, working in the production process and creativity.
Archetypal image thus involves three distinct disciplines, history, psychology, and anthropology. On the basis of historical structures, with authority to consider race, tribe, family, and social groups other archetypes appear as one of the basic human tendency to maintain the quality survivalnya. On the basis of the psychological structure, taking into account the evolution of biological structures, especially the authority of genetics, archetypes appear as one of the human tendency to keep track of the past, especially instinct. Clear image archetypes also has close links with social anthropology, including Levi-Strauss unconsciousness.
History, psychology, and anthropology each can be accessed in the archetypal image. Analysis of worldviews, especially by Goldmannian vision, for example, requires a total understanding of the three disciplines. In turn, the discipline of sociology, psychology, and anthropology of literature it is possible to challenge the same object, as mulitidisiplin. As mentioned above, literature has the freedom to put almost all aspects of human culture. Is the creator of letters of words, building a world in words. Able to free the substance of letters of words and sentences into the image of words and phrases that continually created a new world as if seen for the first time. Writers have the freedom according to law-law imaginative fictional, confuse the world into sjuzet fibula.
Search for themes, world views, motives and certain concepts in literary works, such as Faust and Arjuna the concept underlying the differences between Western and Eastern people as introduced by Sanusi Pane, suspected to contain aspects of anthropological research literature. Kongret poems Sutardji Calzoum Bachri, short stories magical Danarto also alleged to have anthropological dimensions of the rich. Myth Nyi Roro Kidul when discussed on the basis of public trust in authority is the South Sea anthropological study, whereas when discussed in relation to the social impact of the community will be a sociology of literature. Levels in Balinese language spoken by the anthropological studies in relation to social class as a supporter. Likewise, psychological studies would be if the psychological impact associated with the user. Need to be given a note that talks aimed conducted through the structure literature, anthropology as a work of literary art that is unsure primary, not secondary. Because anthropological literature concerning cultural issues, so other than through characterization, can be detected through a setting, such as the Dayak community setting, Tengger, Irian Jaya, Sundanese and so on. Just as the sociology of literature and psychology literature, anthropology, literature also serves to introduce the nation's wealth of cultural treasures that each culture belongs to others.
The birth of multicultural studies, postruktualisme intensity generally encourage interdisciplinary study. Cultural aspects are not biased at all understood apart from the other symptoms. Literature is an integral part kebudayaa, describing various aspects of life with the imaginative creative ways, and makes sense. As mentioned above, the anthropological literature question the literature in relation to human beings as producers of culture. Human beings are human beings who are intended in the work, especially as a figure-tokoh.dalam this context is the study of literature through the works of multicultural literature because it can be understood with the culture of human diversity. Modern Indonesian literature, since the hall is now clear that the literature has described the existence of various tribes, races religions, and customs. By reading works of literature can be understood culture Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese, and so on. Javanese culture clearly not homogeneous, but display a variety of cultures with the scope of smaller, and so on.
Just as the sociology of literature, analysis related to the anthropological literature is intended that the literary work itself, by making use of anthropological theory and data. A poem that uses arkhais words, like 'The Story Start Tamaela Dien "(Chairil Anwar), not directly associated with moving parts and characteristic specific culture, because this place solely as elements of literature secondary. Arkhais words have become works of literature, as spirit, as anthropology, not literature. Arkhais words discussed in the literature itself that it will be mengevokasi overall form and content of work.
With the intensity of human existence in a particular culture, anthropology, literature has relevance to the local color literature, type of work that has not much interest, especially as creative literature. Anthropological literature, in addition to having links with Postcolonial studies, clearly has relevance to pstruralisme itself, by way of lifting the regional literary treasures. At the time of creation, either directly or indirectly, either as a quality form and content, the author displays certain elements of lived cultural treasures, as the elements of anthropological unconsciousness.
Both Freud and Levi-Strauss (Ino Rossi, 1974: 19) considers that the structure of unconsciousness is more important than consciousness itself. Anthropological literature is practically expected to help introduce the literary khazasanah remote and isolated, which means that indirectly has helped understanding 'Bhineka Tunggal Ika'.
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