4.1 Oral Literature
4.1.1 Poetry people
For the type contained in pusi tatar Sunda divided them into several types, including: mantra, kakawihan, sisindiran, Sawer, rhymes, gondang, poetry, pupujian, guguritan and wawangsalan. While the data we found in the village's most lots Batukaras is pupujian, which especially sung by the children and mothers before and after study the Koran, the following examples found in pupuijan Batukaras village:
Some pupujian found in the village Batukaras, intercepted by recording when the children's study. Among them:
. ....
Nun Gusti prince abdi
Neda Abdi pangampura
Rama mother sareng retainer
Nun Gusti tea servant paparinan
In my dunya kasaéan
In my akherat kabagjaan nana
Naha sakedik pisan
Noon Alloh mugi nyaangan
Hate retainer disinaran
Cahya navigation prince
Jiga earth linings ngebray
My Dicaangan the sun
Nun Gusti salamina
Followed caused sulaya
Mung gusti panglawasna
God's great nu nyanggakeun
Prophet Sulaeman nahonkeun
Sakur nation teu élokeun
Science faith dihijikeun
Kanu Dipasihkeun ngarti
Kitu creatures deui
Jeung prophet David maruji
Eta tea pangersa Gusti
Diimah intention ngaos
Opat Perkawis Seueurna
Hiji intention Alloh karna
Ngalakonan paréntahan
Kaduana intention miceun
Kabodoan crew retainer
Nu tangtos janten salamet
Salamet dunya ahérat
Katiluna intention élmu
Intention Bade dilakonan
Sorangan ku Dilakonan
Sareng sadaya réréncangan
Kaopatna intention ngaos
Religion breathe Ngahirup
Prophet Agamana kanjeung
Alloh messenger prophet.
For others like a mantra, Sawer, rhymes and more, we could not include, because the informant in question can not be given at the time, but must at the time set by his ancestors. Examples of Mr. Jain, he did not want to spell, Sawer, rhymes and more, but must be on time when the date 14 months Mulud, so he is able to provide all of their knowledge. Why in this Batukaras we just focus on Mr. Jain?, Because there he was the only elder who is still alive and appreciated by the communities, to other people is very hard to find people who count elder. Perhaps because the Batukaras particular, the region which will be considered as modern as tourist attractions and most people are thinking logically.
4.1.2 People's Prose
The types of prose include: the myth, legends and fairy tales. Bascom Pengetian myth is the story according to people who are considered prose really happened and is considered sacred by the owner of the story (Danandjaja, 1991: 50). Here are examples of the myth that we found in the village Batukaras, the story of the goddess Nyi Roro Kidul:
Goddess Nyi Roro Kidul
Tersebutlah a man and woman where the man entered the Hindu religion while the women in the Islamic religion, then they got married and decided to stay with berlaina place, namely the men in the north while the women in the south, the glory termahsurlah goddess Nyi Roro Kidul As with the authorities south coast. Nyi Roro Kidul Dewi said: "Beware Kang, Akang do not ever see me, let me who to see Akang if I missed".
So on the south coast, particularly Ciamis, strongly believe that if the waves in the sea was great, the time iti goddess Nyi Roro Kidul was approaching her husband.
Tersebutlah time, goddess Nyi Roro Kidul, catching fish in the sea, when it happened Friday, he got so many tyang fish. After some time he kecapean and stopped at Batukaras, then he intends to make a fire, and soon she smelled humans, it is too late for someone who was looking for Hoe. "What are you doing here?", Tanya Nyi Goddess, "will you come here, we baker fish together", when they intend to burn the fish, they were not the fish but the baker man who was captured by the goddess Nyi Jarring, he said , "O people, please katakana on the other, do not go to sea on Friday because it was part of me".
So Batukaras rural communities especially, never go to sea in the day and at night Friday, so the story (see appendix)
For the legend that we found in Batukaras, of course Batukaras legends, this story:
There are elders named Yuda Mbah Raden Masimah Raka Guru Thomas who did the course, the way she met someone paeunteung-eunteung then place Eunteung named, then he continued his journey, but diperjalanan left side, then he passed the place was called Cisamping, then the journey continued and she was a luapa lagip, do not forget to mention what, he patted his chest, "oh no I forgot" as he patted his chest, then the place was named Cidada.
Tersebutlah he had reached the Batukaras, ai rest and his mind drifted Rus-race reminded of the experience he has passed, then the place was called Batukaras. Then the journey continued and she plugs her umbrella was in the middle of the ocean, then there is a rock called the Rock and stone nunggul umbrella.
Fairy tales we found in Batukaras are as follows:
Nyi Salama Demon Snake Horse Cave watchman
There are people named ACENG Suryaatmaja, he Parigi native people and intends to open a business in Batukaras. When he had finished the restaurant membanung sudden arrival of the night he was Canti woman and asked to marry, of course, Mr. ACENG meau not because he already had a wife and kids so he memutusakan for friends only and do not interfere with each other. The girl's name is he Salama Nyi phantom snake spirits Horse Cave, which were located in the center of the village of Batukaras.
Folk Game 4.4
The types of permaina we found in Batukaras familiar and comparatively modern game is included. Here are some games that we found in Batukaras:
4.4.1 Parents Games:
- Surfing
- Beach volleyball
- Playing cards (rummy and gaple)
4.4.2 Games of children
- Sasawangan (large kites
- Galah
- Volley mini (with a size smaller field)
Write 4.5 Literature (screenplay)
To write or literary texts, we did not find, instead of people do not have, it's just been burned before by AT around the year 1962.
4.1 Oral Literature
4.1.1 Poetry people
For the type contained in pusi tatar Sunda divided them into several types, including: mantra, kakawihan, sisindiran, Sawer, rhymes, gondang, poetry, pupujian, guguritan and wawangsalan. While the data we found in the village's most lots Batukaras is pupujian, which especially sung by the children and mothers before and after study the Koran, the following examples found in pupuijan Batukaras village:
Some pupujian found in the village Batukaras, intercepted by recording when the children's study. Among them:
. ....
Nun Gusti prince abdi
Neda Abdi pangampura
Rama mother sareng retainer
Nun Gusti tea servant paparinan
In my dunya kasaéan
In my akherat kabagjaan nana
Naha sakedik pisan
Noon Alloh mugi nyaangan
Hate retainer disinaran
Cahya navigation prince
Jiga earth linings ngebray
My Dicaangan the sun
Nun Gusti salamina
Followed caused sulaya
Mung gusti panglawasna
God's great nu nyanggakeun
Prophet Sulaeman nahonkeun
Sakur nation teu élokeun
Science faith dihijikeun
Kanu Dipasihkeun ngarti
Kitu creatures deui
Jeung prophet David maruji
Eta tea pangersa Gusti
Diimah intention ngaos
Opat Perkawis Seueurna
Hiji intention Alloh karna
Ngalakonan paréntahan
Kaduana intention miceun
Kabodoan crew retainer
Nu tangtos janten salamet
Salamet dunya ahérat
Katiluna intention élmu
Intention Bade dilakonan
Sorangan ku Dilakonan
Sareng sadaya réréncangan
Kaopatna intention ngaos
Religion breathe Ngahirup
Prophet Agamana kanjeung
Alloh messenger prophet.
For others like a mantra, Sawer, rhymes and more, we could not include, because the informant in question can not be given at the time, but must at the time set by his ancestors. Examples of Mr. Jain, he did not want to spell, Sawer, rhymes and more, but must be on time when the date 14 months Mulud, so he is able to provide all of their knowledge. Why in this Batukaras we just focus on Mr. Jain?, Because there he was the only elder who is still alive and appreciated by the communities, to other people is very hard to find people who count elder. Perhaps because the Batukaras particular, the region which will be considered as modern as tourist attractions and most people are thinking logically.
4.1.2 People's Prose
The types of prose include: the myth, legends and fairy tales. Bascom Pengetian myth is the story according to people who are considered prose really happened and is considered sacred by the owner of the story (Danandjaja, 1991: 50). Here are examples of the myth that we found in the village Batukaras, the story of the goddess Nyi Roro Kidul:
Goddess Nyi Roro Kidul
Tersebutlah a man and woman where the man entered the Hindu religion while the women in the Islamic religion, then they got married and decided to stay with berlaina place, namely the men in the north while the women in the south, the glory termahsurlah goddess Nyi Roro Kidul As with the authorities south coast. Nyi Roro Kidul Dewi said: "Beware Kang, Akang do not ever see me, let me who to see Akang if I missed".
So on the south coast, particularly Ciamis, strongly believe that if the waves in the sea was great, the time iti goddess Nyi Roro Kidul was approaching her husband.
Tersebutlah time, goddess Nyi Roro Kidul, catching fish in the sea, when it happened Friday, he got so many tyang fish. After some time he kecapean and stopped at Batukaras, then he intends to make a fire, and soon she smelled humans, it is too late for someone who was looking for Hoe. "What are you doing here?", Tanya Nyi Goddess, "will you come here, we baker fish together", when they intend to burn the fish, they were not the fish but the baker man who was captured by the goddess Nyi Jarring, he said , "O people, please katakana on the other, do not go to sea on Friday because it was part of me".
So Batukaras rural communities especially, never go to sea in the day and at night Friday, so the story (see appendix)
For the legend that we found in Batukaras, of course Batukaras legends, this story:
There are elders named Yuda Mbah Raden Masimah Raka Guru Thomas who did the course, the way she met someone paeunteung-eunteung then place Eunteung named, then he continued his journey, but diperjalanan left side, then he passed the place was called Cisamping, then the journey continued and she was a luapa lagip, do not forget to mention what, he patted his chest, "oh no I forgot" as he patted his chest, then the place was named Cidada.
Tersebutlah he had reached the Batukaras, ai rest and his mind drifted Rus-race reminded of the experience he has passed, then the place was called Batukaras. Then the journey continued and she plugs her umbrella was in the middle of the ocean, then there is a rock called the Rock and stone nunggul umbrella.
Fairy tales we found in Batukaras are as follows:
Nyi Salama Demon Snake Horse Cave watchman
There are people named ACENG Suryaatmaja, he Parigi native people and intends to open a business in Batukaras. When he had finished the restaurant membanung sudden arrival of the night he was Canti woman and asked to marry, of course, Mr. ACENG meau not because he already had a wife and kids so he memutusakan for friends only and do not interfere with each other. The girl's name is he Salama Nyi phantom snake spirits Horse Cave, which were located in the center of the village of Batukaras.
Folk Game 4.4
The types of permaina we found in Batukaras familiar and comparatively modern game is included. Here are some games that we found in Batukaras:
4.4.1 Parents Games:
- Surfing
- Beach volleyball
- Playing cards (rummy and gaple)
4.4.2 Games of children
- Sasawangan (large kites
- Galah
- Volley mini (with a size smaller field)
Write 4.5 Literature (screenplay)
To write or literary texts, we did not find, instead of people do not have, it's just been burned before by AT around the year 1962.
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