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Lokatpala Era

lokatpala era On the surface there is shelf corridor approximately 1 m wide around the temple body. This hall is equipped with a fence or ledge, so that the shape of a tunnel without a roof. This berlangkan corridor winding angle, dividing walls of the temple into 6 sections. Along the body wall of the temple decorated with a row of sculptures Lokapala Arca. Lokapala were gods guard cardinal directions, such as Batara Bayu, Indra, Varuna, Agni and Yama

Ramayana Era

Ramayana era Ramayana story is divided into 7 Parwa namely: - Balakanda: King of Ayodya told Dasaratha was having so blessed syukurkan son. Thus was born Regawa from Kosalya, Barata from Kakeyi and Shatrughna of Goddess Sumitra. When Rama was a teenager (Regawa) won in a contest to break the arrow, as a reward Rama Sinta Dewi mated with. - Ayodyakanda: Because there is a promise between the King to Kakeyi, it is forced Baratalah (children into two) who was crowned king replace. While Rama and Sinta and Lakshman had to leave Ayodya. - Aranyakanda: This section tells when Rama in the forest. At the time of Rama, Sinta and Lakshman Dandaka there in the woods, but to kill a wild giant, told a meeting with his nose cut Sarpakanaka by Lakshmana. The incident was described to Ravana, that in the middle of the woods or in the hermitage of Agastya saw a beautiful daughter and two handsome knight. The end of this round is told that Dewi Sinta Ravana kidnapped. - Kiskindakanda: recounts assassination Sobali by arrows of Rama, as to for help that was seized Sugriva throne and his wife Goddess Tara. Sugriva be joined with a monkey army to Lanka, to revenge because Sprott was rushed king, Ravana. Because everyone who can no seas, then Anoman sent to Lanka. - Sundarakanda: telling it in the park Soka, the goddess of Sprott arrival Batara Anoman as Rama's envoy to the ring. In answer to the goddess Sprott Tusuk sanggulnya to be submitted to Batara Rama. At the end of this chapter mentioned that the army attacked Anoman Lanka, and even burned. But the miracle, Anoman safe and can provide surrogate objects to Batara Rama. - Yuddakanda: Batara war between Rama and Ravana, who ended a victory Batara Rama. - Uttarakanda: goddess Sprott burned, as a means to prove that he still has not touched the sacred and Ravana. After Rama Sinta Batara accepted and returned to Ayodya, Sprott must leave the country, because it will grant Batara Rama community who do not agree and do not receive the goddess Sprott. End of story content, have a son after Sprott Long and Kusa, Sprott called forever with Pratiwi. Also told that after the departure of Sinta, Batara Rama very devoted and eventually drift away from the stream.

Mahabharata Era

Mahabharata era Mahabharata story is divided into 18 Parwa namely: - Adiparwa: tell me about the ancestors of the Pandavas and Kauravas , the Dastarata, Pandu and Vidura, the Pandavas and the lower derivative Kauravas (son of kuru 100 people) - Sabhaparwa: tells the gambling between Pandavas and Kauravas led Shakuni . Because Shakuni guile, the Pandavas had to run for a 12-year sentence in the woods. - Wanaparwa: telling the Pandavas in the forest condition and as a consolation, they talked about Arjuna and Kartavirya Sasrabahu. - Wirataparwa: Pandavas in disguise to be a slave in the Virata country. Draupadi became a cook, Arjuna became women. - Udyogaparwa: Pandavas and Kauravas ready to fight, choosing Kauravas army weapons and equipment as well as Krishna, while the Pandavas chose Krishna. - Bismaparwa: Bhishma as the Pandavas and Kauravas teacher was killed by a Heroine in baratayuda. - Karnaparwa: Karna as the oldest brother of Pandavas defeated and slain by Arjuna in the war Barata. - Dronaparwa: Death in baratayuda Drona, who lied to by Samiaji that Ashwatthama dead. And the dead elephant was Ashwatthama. As punishment Samiaji the train had to walk on the ground, which was originally the train to float above the ground. - Salyaparwa: Shalya killed by Yudhisthira, because of the curse-in-law (Bagaspati) who had been killed Shalya. It added that after Shalya fall, Bima Duryudana war, which ended with the death of a greedy king's Astina. - Saupatikaparwa: At night Ashwatthama Pandavas went to the camp to avenge the death of his father and his brothers. Then he killed pancawala. - Santiparwa: Ritual burning of the bodies that have fallen on the battlefield. Especially the wives left behind her husband died, who ran the ceremony. - Cantriparwa: Teaching Bhishma the Pandavas about the policy in managing government, the educational provision, Bhishma in the state will release the time his life was back in the eyes of the arrows. - Anusasanaparwa: Telling about the good teachings of Bhishma to the Pandavas, after then Bhishma died. - Aswamedaparwa: ritual sacrifice of horses as a salvation that Yudhisthira becomes the king in the Astina, to survive long in office. - Asramaparwa: Destarata departure, Gendari and Kunti to live and meditate in the forest, because the court always insulted Bima. After a long time that the forest fires that resulted in three men had died. - Mausalaparwa: Samba dressed woman, when the god came he asked about her baby. God answered, that contained a small vane that will destroy the country Dwarawati. Because of the curse of fear, the mace was destroyed. Then the pieces were thrown into a cudgel seaside. The symptoms have appeared Dwarawati collapse, then the entire people berjarah into the sea. In the place of their drinking-memabukan drinks, so they get drunk and fight. In the war meraka using reed or rafters trees growing on the edge of the sea. Yet these trees embodiment of the fragments is a rod of iron. Eventually they die all the arrows and Krishna died at the time hunters in the forest hermitage. - Mahasprathanikaparwa: The situation after the king Parikshit, the Pandavas went to the Himalayas to Mount mokswa. Along the way they died one by one. Draupadi die, because it has a very loving Arjuna's sin. Nakula dead to sin, because he felt himself the most good, Shadewa dead to sin, because he felt himself the most intelligent. Arjuna's death to sin, because it was the most intelligent archery. Bima dead to sin, because if you eat very much and less polite. Samiaji continue his journey escorted a dog. Indra Samiaji enter heaven forbid his dog, but he did not want to go if not with the faithful dog, the dog finally returned to the original form Darma is god, then the two both in heaven. - Swargarohanaparwa: In Heaven appeared by Samiaji Duryudana and Kauravas are having fun, Samiaji want to find and stay in Hell along with his brothers, eventually Kauravas and Pandavas in Hell in Heaven.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



I wonder when Asr, Ramlan and Rusdi play into the square, saw the play the ball.
"If that's what saung brother, who in the middle of the square?" Said Rusdi sister. "See now there is music in the middle of the square."
"Said the motion picture," said Ramlan. "Let us look at the picture from outside." Then they both left, approaching the music. Rusdi really enjoy the pictures that hung in the cubicles.
"This image is called image of life, brother?" Said Rusdi.
"Not" Ramlan said, "it was just an example picture only, explain some of the images of life."
"Where so-called picture of life, brother?" Said Rusdi.
"Certainly did not play during the day pictures of her life," said Ramlan. "Must dimainkanya night, see, later on the screen image will look stretched."
"Boy, my brother likes a lie," said Rusdi. "It is only a white cloth is stretched, there is no picture."
"Of course there is no picture, if not on time," said Ramlan. "Try this afternoon, we invite the father to watch, if you really want to know."
After a long tour there, they both then went home. Want to take his father. When dating, it Rusdi told, as he experiences in the plaza.
"Let's, if you want to watch," said his father, "because the father also did not know."
After sunset, departed family Rusdi pack, along with Murdiam and his wife, went to the plaza. In the distance are seen bright lights in front of the loom up like day course.
"It, place that many people have a picture of life, Rusdi. 'The word pa Rusdi.
"Correct" his son replied.
When she got there, then Murdiam buy tickets for them, then went into the room, and sat in the third grade. There have been people who watch. Misnem Rusdi and incessant talking, all are asked and appointed.
"Oh, great! Tetabuhannya also very wearing, "said Mr. Rusdi on Murdiyam. "But could not understand me, what's that song, just sleepy, sleepy, pet and pet-dar-dar, but not sound dar and bam."
'Ih, of course our music is rarely used it, "said Murdiyam.
When he had reached waktunay play, then the lights switched off, busy people clapping and berjeritan, signed like.
"Well, it turns off, what because there is no oil, ya kak?" Said Rusdi.
"Surely it is reasonable, dik," said Ramlan, "if you want to start, must be turned off once the lights, so clearly the picture. Try, soon will come out of the picture layer. See, look! "
Rusdi and Misnem stunned, his eyes bulging, surprised because they do not know where it came from, out of existing images.
"Wah .. wah wah ....! "said Rusdi mother to her children, why it had no buildings there, and there are trains back and forth! Why? Dating of where it came from? "Ask mother to Ramlan Rusdi.
Rusdi and just stared Misnem course, not talking at all.
When he came out the second picture. Third and so on, not really seize the village was, cumin stunned and shook his head, a new life to see that so.
After a few images to play, then the lights came on again, people who watch some already out, others remained silent diasana.
"This is wrong? Apparently people in oaring-out? "Said Mr. Rusdi on Murdiyam.
'Paused briefly, then play again. We do not follow someone else out, worth playing again soon. "
When he spoke so, the lights were off again and soon reappeared different images, the hilarious and others.
At nine games over, pack Rusdi and the others then at home. Dating kerumahnya and incessant talk, telling the pictures that appear earlier, as well as children who constantly told not necessarily won.


Sunday morning, Ramlan, Rusdi and uncle sat in front of the house with a snack.
"How, who, the story of former uncle, was told in school?" Said her uncle in Ramlan.
"I have, uncle!" Said Ramlan, "and now I want to tell again, the story rame, for the story later on Monday."
"Well, who! Too many stories, if you want to ask, "his uncle replied," berceritanya this afternoon, because my uncle is now going to work first. Then uncle left, Ramlan and Rusdi pickup was sitting on the porch.
In the afternoon, after the evening, gathered in the middle of the house, pamanya sit and talk, Ramlan and Rusdi lean mendengarakan story.
Bengidi story;
There was an old king, had four sons, who are loved.
One time the king was seriously ill, even unto death. Her children are very upset, because there are no candidates that will replace the king.
Grand vizier in the country, ana that confusion should be king, if the oldest made king, afraid of the kids who do not appreciate others and be hostile; if the child to the two kings made, bagimana her sisters and so is the eldest child. Therefore, the grand vizier was so confused. Day and night the grand vizier and the ministers to negotiate only think about how their nets. Meek long thought that a good reason, he will dipersa one by one, which is the most noble; if any, so he elected to be a king.
Once the fourth son of the king summoned by the grand vizier: "sepeninggalnya masters king, the father and the ministers, starting already confused, bewildered, who among you is worthy of the king made, because everything looks good. Now, based rembukan ministers, lords and gentlemen who will choose the best heart. If found, then he will be king, but did not know who.
"How did the gentlemen agree with if so?"
"Setuhu course once," replied the son, "I do not even have any grudge on that would be elected, might as well have belonged to him to continue the kingdom, all the family role model."
"How to bid, father?" Ask the child embryo.
"Easy of course, sir!" Replied the grand vizier, "the father and the minister had made about who should be answered by the gentlemen; later if her answers are considered appropriate by the minister, then he will become king. Tomorrow, gentlemen, will be allowed to disuatu room, there in the fill will be watched over by the minister "
"Okay" replied the son.
At the appointed time ayng, minister-minister was willing, will decide and watch.
First of all money eldest son asked: "sir! Try to specify how many bad qualities found in your father? "
"Wah! Of course there is much evil in the father: just listen: "... .. one, two ... .. three ... .." until there are twenty properties. "
Grand vizier's son asked the second.
"I know, even more than the elder; just listen:" ... .. one, two ... .. three ... .. "until there are thirty properties.
"How knowledge of the gentlemen" Ask the grand vizier to the youngest son.
"The meek!" Said his youngest son, "may not make the ministers of wrath, even though I know a thousand evil king. I am not able to mention one by one, because even poor, but he is our father; in my opinion, even worse, to say okay. So by SIPA longer considered good. Except by the son and his family. So even though I checked by anyone, I'm not going to say things like that question. "
Embraced by the youngest son of the grand vizier and the minister as he mourned: nah this is a good kid's heart. This is the king for the whole State. So this is what will be the king here.
His brothers are three, not talking and not denied, of the good owned by his brother. Soon the first son said to the grand vizier and the minister, thanked because the State had no king instead of his brother.
At that time, the grand vizier and ministers prepared to hold a party appointment of the king.


Rusdi morning to school, escorted by her father before the father of a teacher. Daisana every new student has written in the book by the teacher.
On the first day of school, early in the morning and Ramlan Rusdi already gone from the boardinghouse.
At seven o'clock they were in front of the school, Ramlan already met with his classmates. On that day, would not have acquaintances Rusdi, cumin dai sukurnya village school when he was one of the smart kids hang out, so do not come to school like a village.
At that time there were three students who knew the old Rusdi, the most Ramlan friend.
Before eight, students bari summoned by the teacher, what name equated with what is in books.
Due to the thinking of new students are not the same, the teacher should check each pupil.
"Where Rusdi?" Said the teacher.
"My pack," said Rusdi.
"Rusdi closer!"
So Rusdi sitting, and saluted in front of the teacher.
"You had schools where, Rusdi?"
"My first school in the village alone, sir," said Rusdi.
"What is class?"
"I'm only a freshman, sir."
"What year you take the class now?" Ask the teacher.
"I got class, sir"
"Good" the teacher said, "I will try your knowledge class one time, if of course you can not keep it quiet class. But if you look beyond the ability of others, as well as the ability of second-graders here, of course you will be saved by me class with two! "
"Good pack. I joined my father rule. "Rusdi said.
Rusdi speech, the teacher had thought that the child is more intelligent than others.
Students are also examined by the same teacher.
At that time, some one entered the second grade.
Much more to the third grade class and one part is placed.
Old student who had entered into their respective classes.
The day was not a quick study, but the teacher school supplies distributed.
While the new students a lesson in the experiment, there is writing, reading and counting.
In first class, was the most intelligent Rusdi, from friends.
By the teacher promised two or three days to sit down class one; if the time is right and ability to remain eligible in the second grade, it will be entered in the second grade.
"Rusdi" said the teacher, "when you are that you didesa school stu-class?"
"Yes sir" Rusdi said.
"You can bagaumana smarter than my friends who else?" Ask the teacher.
"If I came from school, then I will read again what has been taught by the teacher, sir. Because I was promised by kakaku Ramlan, jka I did not study hard, then I will not be able to go to this school, sir. "
"Oh, so so! These days you Mualai I save in the second grade, but must remain as before, janga changed, so that quick smart as you brother Ramlan.! "
"Well, sir," said Rusdi.
Well, it's not unprecedented happiness Rusdi, from a teaching which is higher than rural schools, and teacher since that time saying to him directly, from the visible progress that is different from other friends,